Peewee's Lounge
1701 S Hackberry
San Antonio, TX 78210
Bexar County
Phone: (210) 533-6293
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Erica L. on
This is really a three star review but I'm giving it four because I don't think all the haters are being fair. I went to a friend's birthday party here and had a perfectly nice time. Yes, it's expensive, but it's right in the middle of Union Square. If you want to save a few dollars, go to Brooklyn. It's your choice. The staff was very helpful and not at all pushy. We had reserved two lanes for two hours on a Friday night and they let us play for an extra 40 minutes until our last game was finished. That was very much appreciated. No major problems, although our pin-clearing thingy froze for a few minutes at one point which was slightly upsetting.
by Nelle Vellutini on
A friend invited me here for a rateclubs Elite Members event (I heart Lily N.!...she introduced me to the world of The event was fun, but I'm glad it was free because I'm not so sure I would actually pay to go this place. The venue was huge -- I stood at the upper level the whole time, which included a bar and snack area, a dance floor, and a game area. It's kind of funny how I went to a bowling alley and didn't even see not one bowling lane, bowling shoe, or bowling ball (I'm telling you, the place is huge!)
by Adriene Witherow on
LIV is definitely the best nightclub in Miami right now! After reading alot of negative reviews I figured we wouldnt even be able to get in...BUT...thanks to working with the promoter, Shaun Gold, we were able to get in! It also helps going with a group of girls. We got there right @ 11 when they were opening and by the time we got inside it was PACKED. REALLY PACKED. The club in HUGE and very trendy. The music was AWESOME and the people were beautiful. The drinks were ridiculously expensive though. We ordered 3 shots, and these were 3 very basic shots, and the bill was $65.00 YIKES!! Cocktails started @ $15 and went up. So, go with an open wallet... We stood around the bar area and danced and shoved our way to the crowded dance floor a few times to dance. We wanted to see some celebs so we paid the big bouncer at the "red rope" of the 2nd level VIP section at the front of the dance floor and he let us in. The only celeb we saw was Scott Disick ( Kourtney Kardashians boyfriend)...he was there for his "man-shower" He was there with Cisco Adler, Kevin Federline and Swayze but we didnt see them. If you like to dance, see beautiful people and spend alot of money, and celeb-hunt....this is the place for you!
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