7766 Highway 36
Stockton, UT 84071
Tooele County
Phone: (435) 882-8066
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Manka M. on
If you are there by 9:30 PM well dressed and a lady your charge for entrance is ZERO  probably no drama if you smile and you are not fumbling with your purse when asked your ID by the door  it depend with the boucers and the receptionists though the cover is 10 ladies and 20 guys .The drinks can be pricey but the music is nice and crowd is reasonable just go in and dance your head off and act as if you belong.
by Tracy Brenda on
I could not believe my eyes. My buddy (who is extremely friendly generally a very sweet person to everyone) went up to the bar and waited for the bartender to take his drink orders. He hadn't said anything when the bar tender asked him "What the F___K do you want" My buddy remained pretty polite and asked what the problem was and the bar tender said the same this "What the F___K do you want" He was practically spitting out bile as his words spilled out into our ears. My buddy decided to move on to a different bar tender, but this rude one sort of nudged the other guy away and took his order anyway.  He made my friend's drink and charged him. My friend gave him a $10 and when he came back with his change, he THREW it on the bar. Chucked it at my friend. My friend remained classy and gave him a $2 tip anyway, but we won't be going back.
by Isaias Spellman on
Yes, Geno's is a tourist trap and you will wait on a long line for a cheesesteak that probably won't live up to your expectations, but part of tourist traps are that they can be fun and offer a bit of local flavor, so here's my story of why I like Geno's. Obviously if you're going to a place that sells cheesesteaks with only a few variety of cheeses and toppings to put on, you'd think people would know how to order. Wrong. While waiting in line, a bold soul decided to test the waters by letting the counter guy at Geno's know he made a mistake. Here's how it went down. Customer right before I order: "Excuse me, um you gave me the wrong sandwich, I wanted provolone and not American. Can I get another one? Counter Guy: You can PAY for another one. Customer (Cowering in fear) Okay okay okay (i.e. please don't kill me, take my wallet, my credit cards etc. etc.) Good cheesesteaks. Even better characters. Plus the pictures of owner Joey Vento with celebrities and the funny signs makes the wait much more bearable
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