by Rosalind S. on Awesome place to see some awesome DJs. I used to come here a lot when I dated a DJ and we came to support a bunch of our local DJ friends. When Pink Mammoth throws one of their parties they usually have free food and drinks if you come early. Bonus! I always have my musician ear plugs ready because the sound system is bumping! Oh, and the best thing, for me, is that for some odd reason this is the only place where I rarely have to wait in line for the bathroom. My only gripe is the line. I've never ever waited in line as long as I waited outside Mighty. It's hard when you're wearing a skimpy outfit in the cold.
by Connor R. on Checked out Mezzanine as the temporary home of Bootie last Saturday. As the one club night I really look forward to, I've grown attached to the DNA Lounge as the Bootie venue, but with their temporary closing one must make do. Pluses: Crowd was generally cool as it always is at Bootie; it did seem that many made it out to Mezzanine for their first mashup night, which is awesome. Everything's a dollar cheaper than at DNA Lounge; drinks, coat check. It adds up! Minuses: Sound system, or management thereof, on the main floor. Action was split between the stage and the booth, and someone thought it would be a great idea to turn off the stage speakers when the DJ was spinning. It made half the room feel rather lonely. Woeful inefficiency/understaffing at the bars and coat check. By 1:30 AM people were bribing strangers at the front of the crush to get them their bags. Lot parking is 50% more expensive. In conclusion, it'll do temporarily. It would take a lot of work to make Bootie not-fun. I recommend taking public transit if possible, due to the convenient location, and bringing a very small friend to sneak to the front of the coat-check line if necessary.