Piere's Entertainment Center
5629 Saint Joe Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46835
Allen County
Phone: (219) 486-1979
Fax: (219) 486-6066
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by saul m. on
Great for Salsa dancing most nights of the week!!! Currently they have Argentine Tango Sunday nights. We usually go on Mon. or Wed. night when there is only a DJ no band.  The crowd is usually far smaller than when a band plays.  With the smaller crowd we have room to dance without the "hump de bump". The DJs usually play mostly Salsa with some Merengue, Bachata, and a Cha Cha Cha or 2. The early entree fee includes a 7:30pm beginning Salsa lesson, followed by an intermediate Salsa lesson.  After 9pm the entry fee is usually discounted and that is when more skilled dancers arrive. Mon. & Wed. there is no food service, and limited table service if any. The building seems to have been an old warehouse and is located in a mixed use residential/industrial neighborhood.  The interior although not luxurious is nice enough.  It is spacious with a good wooden dance floor.  On warm nights you can sit outside in the large patio. Since there is no band, on Mon. & Wed. people come to dance.   While you can sit and watch the dancers, you will have the best time if YOU dance.  Don't be intimidated if you see great dancers.  Mon. & Wed. many professional Salsa teachers go with students to practice.  So dance & have FUN!
by rosquete b. on
Hotel Nikko Older entertainment favorites booked here [have seen Spyra Gyra and Hiroshima - both excellent] All the seating is good; it is a small forum; decent acoustics Maitre d' is fun guy; tries to remember every party's name and repeats it incessantly Two drink minimum [there are teas and bottled waters] Nice light menu with great gyoza and other light fare Very good performers at a reasonable price and nice venue [indoors] Usually sell CD's after performances
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