Pink Elephant Cocktail Lounge
11th & East
Washington, DC 20001
District of Columbia County
Phone: (202) 628-8140
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Pink Elephant Cocktail Lounge - About Us
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Washington D.C.'s original family owned and operated hotel for tourists. The very best rates with the very best location. Superbly located in the heart of theWashington D.C. tourist district.
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by Sidney Labossiere on
Tao has a gigantic Buddha in the back of the dining room and it reminded me of the Buddhist koan, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." Don't let this place fool you, Tao is one big illusion. The inside of this place looks like some amazing Buddhist monastery, but really it's just a giant tourist trap designed to drain Westerners out of their money. The pictures of young monks on the walls made me sad, a bit angry, and brought me to my senses. I've traveled to the poorest parts of the Buddhist world and I found this place very un-Buddha. I wonder if Tao restaurant gives anything back to the community. The $18 people pay for a drink at this place could feed a whole Monastery in rural Tibet for a week. It's shameful. Had I been at Tao alone, I would have walked out without ordering, but the people with me ordered some appetizers. While the food was okay, I've eaten better Asian fusion at The Green Elephant in Portland, Maine. I could recreate most of the dishes at Tao with ease, why on earth would I pay $100 for it.
by Elmer Hedquist on
Free admission + free shot at the door = good time. They usually have some type of free shot at the door- just be nice to the guy giving them to you and he'll keep giving them to you. Cool place to dance, lounge, and socialize. Drinks can get a bit pricy ($10 for a vodka soda water with limes). But the free shots makes up for it. I usually hit up trunks (next door) first, have my strong ass drink, and head over to elevan for dancing and stripper gazing.
by Doug C. on
Not a bad club, even though I'm way past my clubbing days I went to check it out w/ some buddies. Noticed a few things -- 1) Its mostly a younger crowd, probably 22-28 ? 2) Too many guys hanging on every girl.  I guess most girls come w/ their bf or lots of guy friends. 3) Girls are cute, but most didn't seem interested in meeting new people -- most are there w/ big groups of friends. Still a fun place if you like to dance and hang out w/ a good mix of music.
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