Pipeline Tavern
1300 S 72nd St
Omaha, NE 68124
Douglas County
Phone: (402) 399-8774
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Hours: unknown
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by Dann D. on
As usual, reviewing happy hour.  $3 bottles of beer, and $5 weird specialty drink.  (we got like a cucumber strawberry basil gimlet or something).  $2 carne asada tacos were really good -- the meat and tortilla were acceptable, but the sauce they were in was really really good.  We also got the panko chicken which came with Weak Sauce and fried breaded capers.  (the chef came out and encouraged us to try the capers, then referred to the dish as "sort of a deconstructed chicken piccata".  *ahem*.)  The capers were totally good, the chicken was totally fine, and it was pretty cheap too. The bar was fine, and there were all these sofas and tables -- had it been more than just me & the ex (who just wanted to play chess on the computer the whole time (which was fine by me, i was reading about zombies)) i think it would have been a really nice place to chill out. But the five stars are really cuzza the adorable bartender!  (the little asian girl one, not the others).  She was friendly, and sweet, and quick, and will def. bring me back here for happy hour.
by Jason C. on
If you ever get a phone call from family to ask about the weekend and have nothing to say, you've either: 1. Done jack squat because you have no friends 2. Sat on your ass because you were sick, got dumped, or "worked too hard" 3. Or went to a club and cannot admit the details Fear not, freaks and geeks! I have a solution for you: Just say you went to a new kind of church called Vessel. What, you say? How the heck can you call Vessel a church? Well, you see, churches and night clubs are very similar. Here's why: 1. Both are places to meet hot, good looking singles - Don't pretend the catholic school girl look isn't hot. While nightclubs are more for the casual hook up, both churches and Vessel offer a place for the gorgeous to congregate, get sloshed off of liquor or punch drunk off Jesus, and have insane monkey sex after. Praise be to God! 2. Both focus on music - Like nightclubs, different churches have different styles of music. If you don't like a classic church with regular hymns, join a gospel church. Likewise, if you hate the deep house at Vessel that pounds out the "untz untz untz," then you're not clearly not drinking enough or need to switch it up to a hip hop venue, like Azul. 3. Both establishments offer temporary solace and escapes - Churches are a sanctuary where people can find peace. People go to Vessel and other nightclubs to unwind after work and delay reality for a day or two, while drinking and dancing their woes away, getting all dressed up so they can feel cool. Welcome to how it feels like to be me. Everyday. Without the cool part. *Shakes fist* Damn corporate job! 4. Both will take your weekly allowance - You give away dollars at a church or if you're nuts, you tithe. Vessel's cost of escape is somewhat expensive since it includes an entrance fee of $20 (waived if you're a hot chick or got the hook ups) and somewhat pricey drinks (though nominal for SF nightclubs). And you're certainly either going to need a cab, barf, or eat food, so there's more money down the hatch. So there you have it. Am I going to hell for comparing the house of the Lord to a decadent and sinful nightclub? Maybe. Save me Jeebus! P.S. John R said: Jeebus wore a dress, drank wine, and partied with eight other dudes in dresses and one town whore. After it was all said and done, he got nailed... literally. Trust me, you're forgiven!
by Reality Check on
If you wanna know what loser rip-off kids gone wild are, go to the Pipeline. The place, capital, and income was built by a rock solid steady stream of faithful customers. Management and ownership abused that cash-cow relationship and alienated the very people (customers) and foundation that allowed it to be established and prosperous. Watch your money- current crop of rip-off kids (with high manpower change over) FORCE tips by not returning change. Especially when the drunken owner is not present. Customers create high school like atmosphere in clic like packs.
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