by Robyn F. on Pretty unremarkable food. The sushi is pretty standard. Definitely could have gotten the same quality of sushi elsewhere. Sand Pot Lobster entree was pretty good though and is worth trying (though expensive) Coffee is served in a bowl - weird and also not functional (no handle).
by Christine P. on Well this is the only club I have been to unfortunately. Although I don't really like clubbing, I would atleast like to try others. It will all be better once i just turn that damn age of 21. Opera, I don't think, is worth the price. I just don't like paying that much just to get into a club anyways, haha. Of course, I came to Opera for college nights but it seems like the crowd is getting high school kids. I really don't like it. I also just don't like the general crowd of Opera. I've experienced creepy asian dudes who watch you like a hawk and follow you around the club. ugh. Bouncers were pretty nice, some tried to make small talk. The look is nice/pretty. A little reminder to all clubbers, please wear deodorant. I've smelled some nasty stuff at Opera. and I know it's not only Opera, but it is the only place i've been to. AND wtf is up with the whole guestlist shiet, it never works? the whole "free before __:__" is a bunch of bs..