Pole Creek Tavern & Restaurant
6827 Country Road 51
Fraser, CO 80442
Grand County
Phone: (970) 887-9797
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Hilvic Ryan N. on
It sounds like a nightclub in Castro, but it's not... it's a wine bar in Castro, okay!?? Wine bar!! Now, you might want to temper my review with another, because I'm not a big wine officianado. Okay, I'm being modest-- I'm actually well-versed in wine, having had to take several classes and tasting hundreds of bottles as a server in one of the east coast's biggest country club chains. I can wax philosophical about the different vineyards all around the world, including the virtues of the soil, climate and overall practices, which all serve to make the wine in your glass unique (read: marketable). My knowledge is bigger than yours. *pets knowledge* But look, let's not make this all about me. The point is, Blush serves wine that's about on par with all the others in the surrounding neighborhoods. But where it separates is the atmosphere they've created. It's snooty enough in a nouveau sophisticate kind of way but without the caustic venom from the clientele that wine bars such as this will tend to draw. By this I mean that the people here are cool, and the food pairings that the staff suggests are on point with the wine bottle on your table. If you're here, ask for Willem. He knows his stuff and he's just about the nicest guy you could meet in San Francisco.
by Marina E. on
I thought the food was decent and our server JoAnn was extremely friendly and prompt. I wasn't knocked out by the food, but I wasn't disappointed either. My only recommendation when dining in this restaurant is to pass on eating in the "basket seatings." Sitting in a basket was kinda annoying...Ok, who am I kidding...It sucked, but there was no wait and I now understand why.
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