Pop-A-Top Tavern
6000 Park Avenue
Hot Springs National, AR 71901
Garland County
Phone: (501) 318-2034
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Hours: unknown
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by Darcey Newlon on
THIS REVIEW IS FOR the LOUNGE and NOT THE RESTAURANT PORTION... Place is nice for clubbing scene, reminds me of VEGAS. Pros: DECOR is NICE, if you go with a bunch of girls and do some sweet talking (double bonus), best night to go is THURSDAY. Cons: Pay a $20 Cover on Fridays & Weekends (if you dont make guestlist or the line gets held...), Drinks are pricey like VEGAS, parking sometimes... This can be a pretty expensive night if you choose to come on Fridays or Saturdays: Cover + Drinks = B-R-O-K-E-N-E-S-S.
by Dion Ocallahan on
Can I get a whaaaa? Alicia F and I went to live our '80's fantasy and were treated to a real educational experience, all for just $10 (it was Thanksgiving Eve, so I don't know if that's the regular cover or if they were bringing in a few more bucks like every other club in town was last night). First of all, if you plan on getting in with a wristband (21+), your ID better be real or real good, because those dudes do not mess around. I almost didn't get in because they didn't believe that the pic on my license was really me. OK, for the record, I did have blonde hair but really...if I was gonna fake it would I fake being born in the '70's? I'd say no. When you walk upstairs there is a ginormous room that seemed to be the playground for all the goths in the tri-state area. W.O.W. I thought I had seen it all, so I wasn't quite prepared for dudes walking around in gas masks, women with shaved eyebrows and a scantily clad senior citizen who made bedroom eyes at many of the underage boys who came to par-tay. Besides almost having an epileptic seizure because of the damn strobe lights, though, it was really interesting to hang out in there for a bit, mostly because this community seems to have a trait that is seriously missing in the other counter-culture groups out there: there seems to be no judgements, no rules about how thin or rich (or poor) you have to be, nobody cares how much money you spent on your outfit or where it came from, etc. From what I observed everyone came to dance (and maybe a little more, but what do I know?) and be themselves. I thought that was awesome. When we had finally had our fill of scary music telling you to "kill your babies," the '80s room started seeing some action. We danced our faces off and sang along to every song. We found ourselves not giving a rip what anyone saw when they looked at us being completely goofy and carefree. In that moment I felt totally free. It was lovely. Finally around 1 am we were danced out and decided to split. We walked the short distance to the car (I totally got a princess parking spot right up front) and drove off, leaving the kids (and yes, most of them are kids) inside to do their thing. Leash and I were in total agreement: we were very pleasantly surprised with how much fun we had. Then, as a perfect ending to a wonderful night, we hit up the Taco Bell drive through and stuffed ourselves with cheap food. This is the stuff memories are made of.
by Britney C. on
It's a cool spot; more laid back and casual than some other lounges I've been too. Whenever I go here, guys are usually in jeans and tennis shoes and girls don't really dress up. I like how they have 2 rooms - the main one when you walk in and one to the right of the entrance. And from the times I've been there, getting a drink is relatively easy and you don't have to wait or flag the b-tenders attention. Check out who's DJin' that night though - they usually have different hosts/parties with a different theme and music. Street parking is a hassle so you might want to shelve out a $20 for parking. And at least you're near the freeway entrance!
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