Pow Wow Restaurant & Lounge
801 West Route 66 Boulevard
Tucumcari, NM 88401
Quay County
Phone: (505) 461-2587
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Carolyne Mackie on
Mehhhhhh. I hate places with identity crisis. What are you... a lounge? a dance club? an outdoor space? has-been 90s haunt?
by Mitsuko Merryman on
This is absolutely my favorite bar in either the city or the East Bay. Reasonable drinks, great people (both the bartenders and the patrons), local music, and the best patio ever (Be careful stepping down onto the patio, though, I fell on my ass no less than three times the first time I came here) . There's just enough space to find a place where you feel comfortable but it's small enough to feel intimate. As someone who has trouble finding bars I can relax at (read: I don't want to be hit on, I just like good conversation), El Rio is the best of all possible worlds. I have yet to try out the shuffleboard, but that is definitely on the agenda the next time I venture into the city for drinks. The bottom line; I love El Rio because I feel completely comfortable there, which is more than I can say for pretty much every other drinking establishment I've ever been to in the city.
by craig b. on
If you are a person that enjoys atmosphere over everything else, you will likely love this place. We enjoyed the food, the charcuterie was good but hardly inspired. Perhaps it was the distinct lack of bread. 5 tiny slices for an entire charcuterie, very annoying. Server was friendly, but SLOOOOW. It took 25 minutes to get a round of drinks, and she would frequently forget our requests when we ordered more. Speaking of the drinks, $9-11? Peche can get away with that because they use expensive ingredients and serve a near perfect drink every time. East side show room has certainly come up with some creative drinks with "fun" names but little more. The effort does not justify the cost.
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