Purple Pride Productions
1120 West 8th Street
Graceville, MN 56240
Big Stone County
Phone: (320) 748-7307
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Dolores L. on
This spot is really chill and I've come here a few times for different events and different occasions, but every time I'm there, it's always very laid back and mellow, which I enjoy. A month or so back, I came here with some friends for Sketch Tuesday, where they bring in a bunch of artists and voila! masterpieces for the taking (for a fee) on the spot. No cover, free all night! Win! When I was there, this artist by the name of Wednesday was there and I hear she's a big deal.  Anywho, my friend snatched up a really cool drawing/painting for $20, which I'm sure was worth a lot more. My other friend writhing with envy wanted said picture and was awaiting Wednesday to draw new stuff. Fast forward to some inside joke about a squirrel that I didn't get in on. Turns out Wednesday was drawing a bunch of friendly forest creatures including a squirrel. So friend #1 thought it would be hilarious if I "stole" the squirrel drawing by buying it before friend #2. He dared me, so being a Leo, I could not back down from a dare. We ran to steal this squirrel with cash in hand, only for friend #1 to choose the wrong damn animal AND someone ELSE buying the damn squirrel in front of us. Lose! What do I have left? 1 chipmunk. No squirrel. No friends. Memories to last a lifetime. Nuts!
by Tammy V. on
I am going to save 10 minutes of my time and just include the complaint letter I wrote to Ibiza. ---------------------------- My friends and I were very disappointed in the service here last night. Two of my friends had planned a big birthday gathering (30+) people for dinner and then drinks afterwards. We had reservations @ 8:30pm for dinner and people came throughout the night. I came with a small group @ 8:45 and it was insisted I had to pay cover. I didn't believe charging cover for dinner was acceptable. It wasn't the $5 that was the problem, it was more the principle that we had a table and reservations and we still had to pay cover. On top of that my friend (who made reservations) was not informed of this beforehand. At the time of the reservations, no one was even in the venue. This is not something that should have been assumed. The cover charge was something that we probably would have looked passed if the rest of the night went smoothly. Our table/section (two couches near the exit door) was informed that we needed to hit a $800 minimum to have our table -- so we thought no problem. We ordered food, beer, drink specials (in which you were out of mint for mojitos) and continued our celebration throughout the night. Before midnight, our waitress asked us if we could move since we had only hit half of our tab. I am sure we hit a lot more than $400 by that time, but that wasn't the point. The point is why were we asked to leave when we reserved the spot for the night. I didn't know we had to hit $800 by a certain time limit. That was unprofessional and rude. There were also many times where the waitress wasn't present so we had to order champagne from the bartender. I am not sure the relationship between the two but words were definitely exchanged. The manager was called and involved in talks but since there was so many people I did not catch if there was a resolution. All I know is that by the end of the night, our roped off section was no longer roped off and people were lingering into our section. I'm sure by the end of the night we hit our $800 tab but not without obstacles. I hope my friends and I have a reason to go to Ibiza again but not if they don't make major changes. ---------------------- too bad little did he know that I am Rateclub elite and i really should have left a "you've been Rateclubed" tag behind ! :)
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