by Chris B. on Fantabulistic! That's exactly how one of my seven year old twinadoes describes this place. We have an annual membership, and I donate generously to this place, because I want it to keep getting better. The cool thing about this aquarium is that despite having been through the Sharks! exhibit about 26 billion times, the boys always find something new. This time it was the teeth... they just discovered that they're real... um... Anyway, despite paying $48 for what amounted to "not quite as good as" McDonald's food (I had a veggie wrap on sun dried tomato construction paper), I managed to escape with only $30 in damage in the disney style "you must exit through here and don't you dare say no to your kids or they'll hate you forever" gift shop. I, despite many of my rateclubs! friends who I love and cherish, really think this one is the bee's knees... I love this place and will continue to support it for as long as I (1 - can, 2 - live here, 3 - am alive)...
by Tasha S. on No freakin complaints! Went here for Valentine's Day. SATISFIED! The decor was very nice and went exactly with the name of the restaurant. I ate in the garden. Meatball appetivzer in verde sauce yummmmmm. For dessert, banana wontons with powdered sugar and caramel or chocolate dip. oMG. Waiters, everyone was so nice and genuine too. Even workers that wasn't our waiter was askin if we were alright and refilling our water with out us asking. It was perfect. Loved it!! Will go back!