Quite Right Productions
11824 Riverpark Terrace
Chesterfield, VA 23838
Chesterfield County
Phone: (804) 639-7114
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Ute L. on
This used to be a regular hangout of mine when it was Eleven50. Came here on a recent visit to Atlanta and was disappointed. The bouncers are unfriendly and take themselves way too serious. You go through the typical BS where they hold the line while no one is inside just to make it look busy from the street. At least we didn't pay a cover. Music was mediocre at best. The crowd looks like they're fresh out of high school. Made me feel like a cradle robber just being there. Picture a bunch of break dancing kids in rhinestone encrusted T Shirts and high top nike's on America's Best Dance Crew. The only thing missing were the judges and Mario Lopez. We were so unimpressed that we left after the second round of drinks. I must be getting too old for this. The one thing positive to be said was for the bar tenders. Friendly service.
by Judy S. on
Loved it the first time I went here because the setup of the club is awesome. Love the different textures on the wall, the decently sized dance floor, and the 4 bars spread all throughout the club. The crowd was decent. The only downfall is the snail-like valet parking service, who probably pay their workers $4 an hour and take the rest of the $20 for their own damn, selfish, stereotypical American, capitalistic self. Anyway, as you've already guessed, I paid $20 to valet. After the club, I proceeded to the valet station, gave them my ticket, and waited a patient 30 minutes before walking back to the station to ask where my car was, only to see my key hanging on the wall, untouched. I then asked the greasy-haired asian girl for my keys, only to hear a "no, we'll get it for you". Waited another 15 minutes to have my car pull up. I gave it a chance and went back despite the annoyingly unprofessional greasy haired asian girl working at the valet who can't pronounce words like please and apple due to her fobby accent. Opera was fun. No complaints there, but the valet fucked it up again. I'm sorry, but L.A. Parking, the name of the valet company, needs to step it up and hire at least one more worker to help that greasy-haired girl out in the valet box because our car took two hours to find. Yes, they had to FIND our car because they had never given us a ticket. I could've walked to Opera and saved myself two hours of waiting outside in the cold and $20.
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