Rack's Bar And Grille
296 White Horse Pke
Berlin, NJ 08089
Camden County
Phone: (856) 719-1500
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Rose A. on
The atmosphere, lighting, decor - creative and awesome. I went for a wedding so I am not sure about the price of anything but the drinks and food were tasty! My favorite drink was something that had champagne, grapefruit juice, I think vodka....I dunno it was bubbly, pink, lots of grapefruit and alcohol. YUM I'm a fan of steam punk and this was the perfect venue for the steam punk wedding we attended.
by Toni B. on
Bob's is always a hit or miss on Wednesdays. It's the typical sketchy LES gritty hole in the wall but it obviously gets enough business to stay on the block. Some nights, there a literally 10 people there including the DJ and other nights when it's poppin it gets packed and the vibe is ridiculous (good way). No more ducking and weaving from shots like in the past and the DJ is decent enough to get the occasional "awww yaaaa that's my jam". I haven't been on another night but I'm sure it's not as decent (only word I can use) as Wednesday. Funny enough, companies actually hold parties there, funny (not ha ha) they charge you to get in there......b please it's Bob's. Just wait til 12 and you can slide in free because it is not worth a cover...ever. Much love to the diesel bartender though, even if he does occasionally  break out when it's dead cause he knows people are too cheap to buy a drink.
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