Rc's II Showgirls
7661 Granby Street
Norfolk, VA 23505
Norfolk City County
Phone: (757) 489-7746
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Ashley L. on
It has good music in my opinion for dancing with your friends but on Friday nights (and I hear Saturdays too) Hiro is packed with Asians. I have nothing against Asians as I am Asian but the guys are super aggressive and most creepy. The bathroom attendant in the ladies room is a bitch and demanded tip. The dancefloor is pretty much the entire club but it's annoying because there are tables and benches all over and you run into them a lot. Oh if you're a group of guys, don't bother going. They seemed to need a good girl to guy ratio before letting some people in. My girlfriends and I got to go in right away after meeting up with our group of guy friends waiting in line, we pretty much cut a group of guys Not really worth a $20 cover to chill with creepers, maybe once in a blue moon..
by Jessie T. on
Divey divey dive bar.  With all that we love about such places.  To me, Oscar's is for only one thing, which is cheap-ass lager.  Also, the people-watching can be quite interesting.  Sometimes you can smoke in there - you never know when they might just hand out ashtrays.  Music is a little on the loud side.  Girls, don't try to go alone and read or something - you will be bothered and chatted up and pestered.  But if you're looking to meet some interesting, beat up, lived-a-crazy-life and now will fill up your previously boring tuesday with stories about it dude, this is the place to do it.  Food... well mozz sticks are good just about anywhere aren't they?  But that aside, I wouldn't bother.
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