10743 USHighway 30
Cokeville, WY 83114
Lincoln County
Phone: (307) 279-3504
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by Elisha Fusch on It's sort of odd that I haven't gotten around to reviewing Silk City until now. Maybe because I quit going there for a while? Anyway, in the interest of more fully rateclubsing my life, here goes. The diner side makes me very happy, especially the maple bacon cakes. Yum! And the hangover helper? It does exactly what its name implies. Gotta love a diner with a full bar too. The club side gets too crowded and sweaty for my taste and the music can be hit or miss, but despite all that I always end up having a good time there.
by Jarrett Wasko on AHHH! This place is totally expensive and cheesy, but sometimes a girl wants expensive and cheesy on her birthday! We went on a Friday night, and had fun dancing to the ridiculous wedding band (and the DJ who played Justin Timberlake while the band was on a break.) We couldn't get a table reservation, but they put us on a list and we didn't have to wait very long for one to open up. I'll totally go back the next time I feel like dressing up and dancing!
by Jessica I. on I have begun to realize that I have a hard time reviewing clubs, because they are all so damned similar: the decor is either white pleather or dark wood "dramatic and modern", the prices are always the same: too high, the people are often similar (skank/frat/short/sleazy)... You catch my drift. So I basically can only review nightclubs based on how much fun I had that night. Which means that Roe gets 4 stars! Yay! We came early and had an appetizer in the downstairs area, which is the restaurant. $11 for 3 tiny crabcakes. Hmmm. Also, the second we were seated some asshole frat boy type who was trying to get us to "high five" him when we first walked in scoots down right next to us, before we are even handed our menus. SO RUDE. He makes lame conversation for a few minutes, then says to my friend "Actually the reason I sat down is because I wanted to hit on you. Do you have a boyfriend?" Yes she does. Bye dude. We were kind of feeling pessimistic about Roe at that point, but then we went upstairs to the somewhat Tiki themed bar/club area. Much better! What can I say...we danced and drank and talked, what you always do at a club. The music was ok...definately not as bad as some clubs. I had fun... I remember being REAL out of it, and I had been outside and was walking back into the club. My friend was in front of me, and I felt unstable. At the exact moment her shoe fell off, I tried to grab on to her for support. I ended up taking down the velvet divider post thing, and falling on the floor. The security guards were basically cool about it and just said sarcastically, "Are you ok? Be careful..." So...it was a good time!