Reservation Center
211 South Lakeview Drive
Shepherdsville, KY 40165
Bullitt County
Phone: (502) 543-7097
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Kim D. on
I kind of love the upstairs a lot more than the downstairs because it only allows for a small, intimate crowd. I recommend getting a reservation for upstairs shows and ordering some appetizers (in particular, the eggplant fries are the bee's knees) to share while listening to some great music. The downstairs can be hit-or-miss at times. I've mostly had only good experiences here, but there's been a time or two when I was down there and sort of wished that I was having dental surgery instead. They tend to overbook GA shows for the occasional really big act that comes through here, and it can get to be like a giant, smelly can of sardines. But if you want to reserve a table by the bar, prepare yourself for mediocre food that is not anywhere near as good as what they charge you for it. But hey, at least you have a seat and a good view of the stage. But overall, I must say that this place is convenient and enjoyable. Parking is also free (after 5:30pm) in the random tiny concrete cell lot down below, which also provides a quick exit after downstairs shows-- you just scoot right out the door there (make an immediate left as soon as you exit the downstairs room), instead of having to walk alllll the way upstairs and then back down again.
by Hans H. on
I went here on deep space night. This was dub and reggae night. Going in was fine, 10 bucks cover. Bouncer tried to make me go back and get my hand stamped blah blah..I got the cashier girl to trump him. Trendy crowd, very artsy hip, some laid has potential. As the night wound on, quite a few people seemed very full of themselves, no one I was really attracted to or that interested in. The music was great at first, but as the crowd picked up the dj switched to top 40's rnb, dance stuff..which I didn't get cause it was suppose to be dub/reggae night. Bar staff was ok, music was ok, decor was good. Crowd was egh..alright.. Have to try again on another night before I make my mind up. But definitely more a start the night then go somewhere else place in my mind.
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