Rhythm Visions Production Company- Inc.
P.O. Box 192023
Boston, MA 02119
Suffolk County
Phone: (617) 296-5330
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Rebecca B. on
The decor is beautiful, and the house salad is good, but those are the only positives things I have to say.  The service was terrible, I mean really bad.  Our waiter didn't know what was in any of the dishes we ordered and we waited FOREVER for our meals. .I am pretty sure he forgot to put them in. The dessert was probably the most disappointing.  The banana wontons were great, but the sorbet and the cookie platter was embarrassing.  Also, just an observation, there was an unusual amount of Asians there.  Don't waste your money or time.
by Wallspro S. on
World Cafe Live is a great place to see smaller acts that normally wouldn't have a space even at venues like the Troc or the TLA b/c they are weirder than your average indie or punk act. They get world music and jazz acts that a bar the size of Ortliebs can't handle, but wouldn't fill any of the aforementioned spots. The food smelled good, but i passed on the rather expensive fare in favor of a liquid diet. As for complaints about tables and crowds, maybe the show I saw attracted a different audience, but Balkan Beat Box had the place moving. The people at the tables got up and pushed their tables back to make more room for the dancing crowd and it was a genuine throwdown. Maybe my review is a little jaded b/c of that, but for the same reason, I will definitely return to the World Cafe Live.
by Rodney Zank on
The venue itself is fab-- huge floorspace with high ceilings, multiple levels.  There's also a cool rooftop area that's pretty on the down low.  The crowd is less fab-- think prissy princess girls shoving their way past you, guys "hunting" for their latest prey. Ick! But then again one of the Madden twins from Good Charlotte was a DJ, which was pretty neat.  I think I'll give this club a few more chances, the crowd was cooler when I went there for a sponsored art/fashion event, so it may just depend on the night and what's going on there.  The area is a bit sketchy and random,  you may come across groups of homeless people in sleeping bags along the streets.
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