14777 Forest Boulevard North
Hugo, MN 55038
Washington County
Phone: (651) 653-7772
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by Eddie B. on Great food and I left stuffed like a pig-in-the-blanket. The fried chicken didn't taste like grandmas, but it was damn close. Restaurant week to..easy on the pocket!!
by Sarah W. on Hmm... Where oh where do i begin? The crowd sucks. The dj was very random. playing really random old hip hop that only drunk people could enjoy, and I wasn't drunk. I enjoyed the music in the back room (house) much better. Random dialogues go on at this place, as they do any place there are intoxicated men who prefer to think with their penises rather than their heads. This is one that I would like to share: Quick back ground info: Me.. aggravated sober girl standing waiting for the bathroom. Him.. drunken wanna be wearing some sort of weird suit. Random drunk guy: OOOH baybay you so fine Me: gives r.d.g annoyed look and cracks a laugh RDG (random drunk guy): Where have you been all my life? Me: ignores rdg RDG: (proceeds to get about five inches from my face) Girrrrll I'm talking to you? Do you know who i am? Girls around here fight to get wit me Me: Well I'm not one of them RDG: ooooh you missin out kitten RDG#2: (presumably rdg #1 friend) What do we have here? You comin with us tonight to make a movie? Me: WHAT?! Seriously, please go away Random Drunk Girl: (walks by in her stripper gear.. automatically guy #1 and 2 both turn their attention to her) Grabs guys #1's tie and they all three walk off Moral of the story: Crappy DJ, Crappy Clientele= no fun One thing i did like was the lighting in the main room.. oh and the bartenders.. Not that I'm into ripped guys in small shirts.. but its nice to see men treated as sexual objects instead of women. THE END