2536 East Main Street
Bridgeport, CT 06610
Fairfield County
Phone: (203) 366-5737
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Dorian Amano on
Dirty, trashy... and not in a good way. The last time I ate their food was the one time I got delivery from this place. I had not one but two bugs in my food. Sure they were little and probably harmless, fruit-flies or gnats or something, but one was floating so blatantly in the soup that it really pissed me off. There was also something weird and hard and painful to bite in my soup. I got the impression that a pencil could have fallen in there and no one would have noticed. Otherwise, the food was gross. I was near-passing-out hungry (that's why I was dumb enough to order from this place... no one else would deliver that late), and I wasn't expecting anything good... only that I'd actually be able to eat the food. I couldn't though. I just couldn't.
by Brenda T. on
I've been to this venue a few times for different art shows.  The gallery is usually overcrowded depending on the popularity of the show and sometimes you'd have to wait 15-20 minutes in a line to get in.  The line sometimes circulate around the block.  When you walk into the gallery it has a very modern but casual and hip feel to it. There is a small bar that usually consists of a very long line.  I've never ordered a drink here before so I can't review the bar. There are two rooms;  the main room and the small room.  There's usually a DJ that spins in the main room and the music is not too loud or obnoxious. The issue that I have with this place is it gets overcrowded really easily depending on the show and there is no room to walk around and scope out certain pieces.  What also bugs me is some people attend to just attend and they're not interested in the art show at all therefore taking up the viewing space for those who are really interested. Overall, I really do enjoy this place and I think it's a great place to view some great artwork. The parking here is a bit difficult --you probably have to park a few blocks away and walk to the gallery.
by Emile Lingbeek on
beautiful place, good location, GROSS GHETTO CLUB duvet has had it's day. it's over now. it's so ghetto. so overpriced. bartenders are okay -- i feel bad for them. look at the end of the bar, that is the owner staring at them nonstop making sure they overcharge everyone and don't give away a.single.drink.EVER. for free. they need to stop with the ghetto stuff and the stripping stuff and charging ridiculous covers... they are only attracting harlem at this point. didn't fabulous's friend get shot there? my point exactly.
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