by Markus Vuncannon on Formerly known as Buddah Bar but with some legal dispute now its Ajna Bar, i love this place the atmosphere is great , the music . The food is good but not great. My friends and I usually have dinner first then go to the bar to dance its a great place and one of my favorite.
by Jonathan W. on I came here two Sundays ago at nite for JAPAN NITE! The day before at the J-POP summit festival I got to check out Tshimamire, Noodles and Red Bacteria Vacuum. They were so down to earth and really close to their fans, taking pictures and signing autographs and even selling there own stuff. Considering this was a Sunday night, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to go since I had work at 9am the next morning -__-. Then i thought to myself when am I ever going to see them again, This was the only opportunity and it was rite in front of my eyes!!!! I called up my cousin and wanted to see if he wanted to kick it with me since I haven't seen him in a while. He was free, sweet chill wit the cuz at a rock concert! awesomeness!! Earlier in the day i was still tired from SAT. So i decided to take a napp,and figured I would wake up in 15-20 min. I woke up 45 min later and looked at the clock. OH CRAP!!!@$#$#%^*(#^. Luckily I had a grp of friends that were already there so i had them buy me two tickets :). When i get there my friend was like "Well our grp got the last seating tickets" At first I was like wait what? Is that bad? It turned out to be even better cuz it meant that I got to be really close to the stage and rock out with the bands! On Sat I missed out on Omodaka & 6% DOKI DOKI, however they were the opening grp that nite. The ladies of 6% DOKI DOKI dazzled us with their bright and sexy costumes as they danced around to Omodaka's interesting mash up of video game music. noodles and red bacteria vacuum got the place revved for: Tsushimamire rocked the F@#$ing house! all the people near the stage were rocking out!! yes including me :P. They played freaken awesome that nite, people didn't want them to leave. Even after their long set, they stayed around to sign autographs and take pics!! I bought another CD and had them autograph it. After the show I talked with Mari chan from TSUSHIMAMIRE for a little while and she told me i should come to their next show when they are back in SF. I told i would be there for sure. I got one last pic with her :) OMODAKA & 6% DOKI DOKI (in case anyone was curious ;)}
by Avery Woodlee on Halo totally blows, I went to the grand opening last night and what a hack job. No one knew what they were doing and ridiculous door policy, this place is as pretentious as hollywood gets, I give this place 4-6 months before folding. The door policy sucks hard, staff are all power hungry 18 year olds with clipboards and the music was so so. Save your money and pass on Halo or try it out and dont say I didnt tell you so.