R.J. Shamrocks
323 Semel Ave
Garfield, NJ 07026
Bergen County
Phone: (973) 772-8141
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Richard G. on
by ikoi h. on
I didn't go clubbing here, so I can't speak about the nightlife experience here. Don't go here if you're looking for a filling meal unless you're willing to get the entire menu.  The portions are all tapas/appetizer size. I shared 2 dishes here with a friend pre-clubbing elsewhere as a snack, and they *were* good.  I'd say if you have some cash to spare, aren't looking for a seriously unusual culinary adventure, and won't be upset about small portions, then you may want to give this place a try. The light-up menu and the unisex bathroom were quirky touches.  Maybe a bit gimmicky, but hey, I can be easily amused and then ignore the gimmick to focus on the food. We had two dishes here- the raw american kobe beef dish and the black angus prime NY strip. Hell, my friend that was with me is a carnivore.  I don't eat meat often at all- for me, if I do, it's about quality and not quantity.   I have no complaints about the quality of the meat or veggies here- they were wonderful quality, esp. the American Kobe Beef.  The taste combination was not particularly new or unusual, but it was well balanced.  I can justify the cost based on quality, and may eat here again if I have spare cash.  Not somewhere I would eat as a first choice, to have a filling dinner, or on a budget, though.
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