Roadhouse On 21
10666 Highway 21
Hillsboro, MO 63050
Jefferson County
Phone: (636) 797-3737
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Sage P. on
Sometimes it's painful for me to go out in LA because I keep comparing it NYC- but this place does not make me cringe when people suggest it. The venue is beautiful- outside area has a reflection pool, fireplace and bar. The inside is a more traditional club scene with decent house music and dancers on stage. There is a cover and drinks are expensive. When someone bought me a $15 vodka soda my first thought was- "PDT/Angel Share/Little Branch don't even charge that! But I got over my New York snobbery and had fun. It's nice that they provide strawberries/tacos, not that I ate them, but I'm sure it helps ease the pain of how expensive it is for some people :)
by Diedre R. on
A friend decided she wanted to go here for her 3pm on a Saturday and wanted to get there by 9pm. Last minute planning and u want me to rush!!! Since I didnt get in I can comment on the club, but can comment on the experience outside the club. Not really a clubber anymore, but if this is what folks consider having fun, then....leave me out....I've got more sophiscated tastes. Got here and there are several pay to park lots surrouding the club...the first one was $20.....the next one was $20....a several blocks away there was one for $10, but the guy looked like I'd have to find him and my car after leaving the club...and to valet my precious lil car would have been $40. So I run to the ATM, cause hey...I for sure need cash to park my car, and the ATM at Kroger on Howell Mill Road was "temporarily unable to dispense cash". Its one of those get in free for women before midnight clubs. SHEESH! Of course that line was 3 blocks long...and it was shortly after midnight, so I went and got in the pay your way in line. The guy that checked my purse said it was $20, but by the time I walked half a block to get to where I was suppose to pay it was $40 for women and $60 for men. You can still get in for $20 if you have an email they send out, but late planning friend hadnt informed me that for an email print out, I could have gotten in for the $20. So I tell the guy...hey my friend is inside....shes having a party....can u let me in for the $ I proceed to call my friend and she if she will bring me the $20 outside, so I can at least get in.....and swipe my card inside for drinks....she tells me...she doesnt have $20. WTF...u are at a club....on your birthday...and u aint got $20...well me back to my car...which I was able to park almost two blocks away on Howell Mill Road for free. Get in free b4 midnight should be get in free by 10 no later than 10:30pm for free.
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