Rustic Pine Tavern
119 East Ramshorn
Dubois, WY 82513
Fremont County
Phone: (307) 455-2430
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Kenton Jenkerson on
I'm not really going here anymore. It's overcrowded and although the staff is friendly there's a sense of ignoring the people who matter that is going on here. Place is fading, I haven't really seen anyone big there in a few months.
by Andrea B. on
Whack ass club. I only wanted to go there b/c it was on the news the week before due to a shooting at a party that Jermaine Dupri was throwing. We got there, and it was like a high school dance. All the guys were standing along the perimeter of the club, just holding their drinks and staring at all the girls. Give me a break. Dance! Move! Do something! There were go-go dancers and granted, they were doing their thing. But the music was horrible. Played a bunch of rap but not really the type that you really want to dance to. Overrated.
by Sal Vaillencourt on
besides the old fav of most AZ/88, Delux is one of the best burgers in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. in a strip mall with Gelato Spot, Zen/32 and the huge Safeway, it's found it's niche for hip. not many restaurants are beyond the strip center/mall in AZ, but you have to go inside to see if the spot is for you. i have been going to Delux for a few years now since it opened and have always had good food there. and the major PLUS here is the GINORMO selection of brews that they have - probably about 20+ on tap and seasonal brews as well. the shopping cart with regular or sweet potato fries or a mix of both was cute at first, but now i'm over it. what i order: - the beet salad (note: not just beets, there is lettuce in there too) - the standard burger either a lettuce wrap or the normal way (really if you're trying to cut down on bread, the lettuce wrap is pretty damn good) - mix of fries, although compared to my fav restaurant in chicago Rockit's sweet potato fries, Delux's are a little soggy and limp like that guy from 'revenge of the nerds' trying to throw a football it's a cool spot and is open LATE NIGHT...big plus and hard to find in this area (note: the place is small, seating is tight, but there is outdoor seating as well)
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