Rustys Last Chance
10901 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66214
Johnson County
Phone: (913) 268-9000
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Stefan Humbert on
I love this new yogurt place.  I've gone there a few times, and it always leaves me satisfied.  My favorite flavors are strawberry and peach. I always regret not getting enough yogurt because it is so delicious! Great treat but I do like ice cream better.
by Leandro Pavella on
great place for salsa. $16 for beginner lessons or intermediate.  Friday class was 8pm to 9:30-ish.  If you're not in the class don't show up any earlier, unless you want to watch us stumble through the new moves. I've taken quite a few 'first lessons' back east but I'd have to say this was the best and most advanced I've taken. Starting with the basics, teaching me stuff I've never been taught before, and still a beginning class. nice. People overall were friendly and polite, I didn't even get groped once :( Maybe next time At least for tonight, layout was 1st floor - disco(70s style). 2nd floor - restaurant 3rd floor - two salsa rooms and bar. With the wrist band you were figuratively bound to the salsa or disco room, not both.
by Gina C. on
Okay, so I was pretty excited to head to The Circle Nightclub on a visit to NY a couple weeks ago... It was... okay~  Nothing great, but nothing awful... Just mediocre.  It was a Saturday night and the music was loud enough to make your heart jump out of your chest, so it made you want to dance.  They did a decent job with the pole dancers, but if they moved their bodies a bit more, it would have been eye-catching.  At one point, they stopped the music and pointed the spotlight to the "stage", where a guy was popping on stage.  That was pretty cool... if you could see him!  I caught a glimpse here and there, but the stage was too low. I don't know how much drinks were... (please refer to the posts below) but I spent a total of $20 for 4 hours of dancing and drinking next to sweaty and sticky people. I couldn't tell if it was alcohol that spilled on them or if it was just sweat because the place was packed.  I also have to include that there was a perv in the middle of the dance floor attempting to poke/rub/grab girls' boobs as they passed by... Ugh, loser!  All in all, just another asian club packed in like sardines with one signature "white guy"... he was with us~
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