Sagebrush Bar & Lounge
37 Old Highway 16
Osage, WY 82723
Weston County
Phone: (307) 465-2345
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Kermit Kaschel on
Much more sleek. Much more upscale. Much more seksier than it's previous life as another nightclub. The dark wood paneling downstairs give a smooth, speakeasy feeling about it and instead of making the space feel closed in, it actually opens it up and feels larger than what it used to look like. Beautiful booths and banquets line the sides. I checked out the first floor for a few minutes before heading out. The bar is prettier, the music was fresh and loud and people looked like they were having a good time and spending at the bar. I'd definitely consider coming back when I'm in another late night kind of mood.
by Sylvia W. on
Hahahahahaha sums this place up. It's like a train wreck you can't help but watch. The strippers pick out their own music on a jukebox that they have to pay to use. Ha. A must see before you die kind of place.
by Esteban Cholewa on
New Year Eve 2008 was here. What. A. Disaster. Getting a drink made me feel like I was a 12 year old girl fighting through the crowds to catch a glimpse of The Jonas Brothers. Everyone there was ordering a dozen drinks at a time for all their friends because it just took forever to make your way to the bar. The crowd was a complete mess. Drinks were spilling everywhere., most likely because they were disgusting. People were huge jackasses. The music was not enjoyable. Everything that was supposedly part of the package was nonexistent, except for champagne at midnight. But the countdown to midnight was laughable. Even getting inside was a hassle and included waiting on line, which frustrated all of us more than anything considering the $100+ ticket prices. I know you shouldn't judge a place based on the New Years experience there, but even so -- it was so awful, I would never, ever go back here.
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