by justine k. on bob bar needs to be more crackin on a wednesday night. who do these new yorkers think they are, having school and work the next morning!?!? doesn't anyone know wednesday is the new friday?? oorrrr not. but it was still fun even though it was a bit empty for my liking. fun because the dj played my favorite song (after i asked him to)..... return of the mack by mark morrison! i am weak for any dj who shares my love of that song. or at least tolerates it enough to play it for me. drinks were weak... but whatev. the name of the bar is funny. and lastly, they played really really good music here in general (and i'm not just saying that because of return of the mack). mostly old school/classic hip hop, my faaaave. i wish we could've come back on a crowded night. i think it would've been a match made in alcoholic heaven.