by Michael S. on
I came here on a trip to Philly, hearing the thousands of stories about it. I really love cheese steaks and was really excited to try the " famous genos". The stories plus the travel channel shows really made me want to try them even more. But something was wrong, it wasn't the best it was suppose to be! Wasn't even close to some other ones I've had. A few things were lacking such as size and cheese. I was expecting a monster sandwich and all I got was a average one. I am also not a huge fan of cheese wiz but I won't doc them from that. Maybe I should give them another chance. But considering all the the good eats in Philly, I might not. It's up to you to decide!
by Shawn A. on
I'm surprised it's taken me this long to make it to Webster Hall. And even more surprised that what finally got me inside was a bizarre DVD release party for Boondock Saints II. Having seen and loved the first one, I thought it'd be a good time - but it turned out to be a bizarrely self indulgent wank fest, and I couldn't bail fast enough. The venue itself seemed fairly epic, with a lot of ornate trappings that lend and air of prestige and history to the place. While the ego at the event lived up to the surroundings, unfortunately the show itself did not. So I'll have to do my due diligence and return to rock another day.