Showcase Theater
11223 Old Baltimore Pike
Beltsville, MD 20705
Prince Georges County
Phone: (301) 931-2540
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Hours: unknown
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by Ana A. on
What a freak show! This place is crazy! It's expensive, it's raunchy and they serve absinthe. Good for a birthday, but don't plan on meeting the man of your dreams here. It was loud and entertaining and there was practically porn on stage. Definitely something to experience.
by Kat H. on
Nice location with a great private room in the back for larger parties. The decor is tasteful--love the brown and light blue combo with comfy seating and lots of space for mingling. I came here yesterday for a baby shower and everything was setup and waiting for us. We had all kinds of treats--the alcoholic type and the baked type! Yum, yum, yum. I started my after-work happy hour(s) with a pomegranate champagne mix that was the perfect pick-me-up. As I was hungrily walking to the back room (didn't really have lunch), I noticed someone had left a half-eaten chocolate cupcake on the counter. It looked really good! Luckily, I didn't have to snag that leftover as there were treats waiting in our room. I grabbed a cookie sandwich that consisted of banana slices and chocolate sauce in between two toffee-like chocolate chip cookies. Excellent! Then I had some pears dipped in a dark chocolate sauce...and then a brownie that melted in my mouth... My second drink was another bubbly type--I don't even remember what was in it but it was good. I needed something to go with it, and a chocolate chip and cookie with nuts was perfect. The sweets were good but I think this place also serves savory food--we could smell it and it reminded us that we had dinner plans. Overall a great experience but we didn't have waiter service with our special party which was a little bit of a bummer.
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