Sidetrack Saloon
318 Neosho Street
Emporia, KS 66801
Lyon County
Phone: (620) 343-6384
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Hours: unknown
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by Christel Naab on
I'm holding back 1 star just to hold back some bias for why I like this place. I come here for one thing. To dance. That's it. They have great music. Not just your standard clubbing tunes. They do a great job of mixing the latest and greatest with some great tunes I haven't heard in a while along with some stuff from around the world. The place is small. There's one bathroom. And it's really really really crowded. I can easily see how people can give this place a 1 star and at the same time I can see people giving it 5. It all comes down to your attitude and expectation when you come to this place. If you want a place to stand around to drink. Not for you. There's no space and the drinks menu isn't all that impressive. If you just want to dance and come home sweaty. Yours or everybody else's in the club. This is for you.
by Michael D. on
I showed up here for a friend's birthday party. The party was great. The people were great. The service was great. So why the ONE star? One word. "cockroaches". Happy HUGE cockroaches on the wall. walking up and down the wall like they owned the place. In the bushes, up and down the vines, on the BENCHES! oh my god.. I'm getting sick just thinking about it again... Just to put it in perspective, we had a party of about 15 people there. at one point, the ENTIRE party was standing in the tiny little space between our tables and other people's tables so as to avoid the cockroaches. Slapping the cockroaches with whatever it was we could find, menus, notebooks, ANYTHING. But here's the best part of the whole thing... when I asked the wait staff what's the deal with the cockroaches.. the reply was... "you know, we have the doors open, and it's new york city, they just walk right in." How about an exterminator? or RAID or something... And those buggers were FAST too... it got to the point that I WISHED that the infection-carrying six-legged freaks WERE on the wall... that way I could see where they were. The candle-lit atmosphere was definately NOT romantic under the circumstance. And you know, where there is 1 or 2 cockroaches, there are 10,000. I really did have a great time at the party, and love my friends very much, but have no love for "The Park".
by Shamika Sakkinen on
My friend described this place best when we arrived last night: "What kind of San Francisco is THIS?" Yes it's true: there are slutty girls with unnatural hair color and cheesedick dudes in striped shirts and velvet blazers all posing and angling and dancing very, very VERY badly. Locals, consider yourselves warned. Be prepared to get lost finding the bathrooms. The slide is pretty novel, but fun nonetheless. You can't do it anywhere else in the city I guess. The place is shockingly roomy (we went on a Wednesday) and there's no cover. Interestingly, I went with four dudes and we all got in, no hassle. The music was umm... well...  At first I liked the idea of a deejay with a live band--two guitars and a violinist. 'Kay, I'll bite. Then I got drunk. And then angry. Am I hearing the lead singer warble a terrible rendition of "Message in a Bottle"? Why are the drinks so expensive? Why is the DJ grinning so widely at his pre-mixed mashup of "Sexyback" and "My Love"? You're not that clever! Are those midriff-baring Asian chicks professional hos or silly hos? I needed to go home, and did. And I'm still trying to figure out this place.
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