by Jaime L. on When I first walked into the Mezz I first noticed the awkward layout. I suppose it's not so awkward, but maybe looks extra awkward when there aren't very many people filling the main floor. The layout at the Mezz provides people with plenty of hiding spots. But, this is also a good thing because I am usually not the biggest fan of bumping elbows with a mosh pit of sweaty strangers. The good thing is the drinks were more strong than not. I think it was something like $7 for a moderately-sized greyhound. Win: The sound here is pretty much amazing.
by Jen B. on Yes, the place is small. But how many places can you find in NYC that consistently play good hip hop music, have no cover charge, have no drama at the door or pretentiousness whatsoever and no bottle service required to sit at the tables. I challenge you to find a place like this anywhere in the city. Get over the fact that it's small and go and have a good time. Get there early to grab a spot to lounge. This place is fun!!