by Clarence Booty on Inspired by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson's (we know him as Lewis Carroll) 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland', this nightclub seems to do more than draw from the classic tale of boredom, spoiled children, and gluttony. Far fetched, yes. Crazy, maybe not. Set in an area of Hollywood where nothing is glamorous, yet according to its zip code, residents should be holding their chins up high in the air, this club is already setting the perfect stage: it is the cure for a boring area. On the map, it is glitz but you could have fooled me. Upon entry, patrons walk down a rabbithole'esque hallway abruptly ending at a bar. Should we have the red drink or the blue drink? Which ever drink we choose makes us and our confidences grow to massively substantial levels - a mix of 80s/early 90s music with today's house beats allow all the "Alices" to venture out and meet the wild friends of Wonderland. Looking around, the waitresses/go-go dancers and bartenders are strangely off yet intriguing: the female staff is dressed in what seems to be gothic renditions of sexy tutu's and the bartender's look frightening but are very friendly. Together, these create the perfectly intoxicating environment for you to let loose and explore. The downside: Unless you have a table, you will be dancing in the aisles or at the bar bc there isn't a sufficient dance floor. I'm sure Carroll would proudly have a drink (and possibly a hallucination) at Wonderland.
by Dee P. on Well warning...IF your outfit, makeup, hair and such are not on point don't bother attempting to get in. Try to get a connect to help you get in. If you have ever been to any other 'it' south beach club than you'll understand. They pick and choose and are horrible human beings BUTT once you get past the door its good times. If you're a guy make sure you find some girls to get you in. And if you're a girl then make sure you find some rich dude with a table who will pay for bottles. I know it sounds like chaotic but it's a good time. If you are not a club person DONT go! It will make you hate all clubs for the rest of your life. But if you have been to NYC, LA, SB clubs and know the drill then def check it out because the music is fun and the atmosphere is electric!
by Neil Kaemmerer on Way back in 2001, I was gearing up for a night of debauchery at 1015. I had just gotten back from a semester abroad in Spain, so I thought I knew everything on crazy nightlife. Madrid and San Francisco are very different, how different I learned that evening. Apparently burly female security guards are allowed to rifle through your purse and not believe you that little blue dolphin pill is a really fancy ibuprofen. Fast forward to 2007, in line at Mezzanine I overhear the security guard bellow "I am checking bags, purses and all murses"... Oh no... not again. Since I am a much wiser sage, I walked down Jessie to give directions to my imaginary friend and discreetly stashed my more natural stash in my bra. Oh and I stuck my camera in my pocket since they were being a-holes about that too. Hide your naughties before you go to Mezannine.