Snack Minato
930 Kekaulike Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
Honolulu County
Phone: (808) 537-3710
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Renee H. on
I really like the venue inside and out, the free tacos and chocolate-covered strawberries(!).  We got a table with two bottles for a pretty big group and I have to say I probably won't get a table again because we were hardly at it and it was much too small for the number of pple we had but I had fun nonetheless.
by Wilmer Englar on
My Village ritual.
by Jonathon Selzler on
At one time there were three Rusty's Hacienda restaurants. The one in Hollywood I do not know what happened to, the one in Glendale (Western and Glean Oaks) was sold, torn down and now a Burger King stands on the site and this one in NoHo was sold to Albert. Who is from Cuba and was once a waiter at the NoHo restaurant. He is the one who started the nightclub inside the back room. He then sold the restaurant and the name was changed to Hacienda Sol , but it did not take long for the owners to figure out the Rusty's was a landmark and the name is now changed back. The drinks are great, the carnitias and the steamed vegetables with carnitias and cheese have been my favorites for ever and are still the best in LA. I am not sure if the current owners have left the spaghetti on the menu, as the original owner was Italian.  The staff is as good as  it gets which is also carrying on the Rusty's tradition. I highly recommend this restaurant to one and all.
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