Snow Sport Enterprises
776 Tolland Street
East Hartford, CT 06108
Hartford County
Phone: (860) 528-2200
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by joseph c. on
This hotel is def not for people looking to enjoy coming to Hollywood. there are much better choices in the area. Yes the pool is great BUT THAT IS IT!!! The rooms alone are a reason for me not to go back! we stayed in the pool side cabana rooms and they were old smelly and empty. Nothing good about this room at all. My biggest complaint is that the allow anyone off the street to come to the pool. I can understand at night when its more of a nightlife scene. In The middle of the day there is no reason someone paying for a room should have to fight for a chair with locals!! sorry just not worth it at all
by Vanessa Molineaux on
My Village ritual.
by Jacquelyne Bohlman on
This place sounds really bad on a regular night, I went for a private affair, so I guess my review isn't gonna be that helpful. Everything was pretty much ok. It's a pretty showy place, looks wise. After we had a few, the light up bar was AWESOME! But I digress. They played Depeche Mode, which won me over. Sorry I couldn't be much help.
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