Softrock Lounge
1016 Noble Street
Anniston, AL 36201
Calhoun County
Phone: (256) 238-6282
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Dorothy N. on
Why did we always go to 1015  if there was better out there? This is the place to "roll" (you knooooow, wink, wink, nudge, nudge). There are hella couches with, what seems like, speakers built into them. They have black lights that reflect off the cool looking dancers. A lot of visual stimuli. Unfortunately, I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE house music.  And that was what I was subjected to the whole night. The hip hop room was in the basement and it was stanky and stuffy. If it wasn't for the men's locker room ambiance, I would've stayed because of the AC near the bar. I was too lazy to venture further so I don't know about room #3. It wasn't worth it to wait almost an hour to get in, but kudos to the AC, decor, and entertainment (dancers and videos).  Best of all, there's a mixed crowd. You're not surrounded by Asian gangsters,  old ass, slutty, Vietnamese women desperately trying to reclaim their youth by gettin' their freak on (Dude, just stay at Lido),  Fobby Asians (old and young), and creepy Asian men (old and young).
by Louise B. on
Dont provide a credit card at this place!! We ordered drinks at the bar and paid with a credit card. Left tip in cash. One week later, we discovered that the Box had not only charged our credit card for the amount we bought drinks for, but also an additional 94 dollars for no reason! We did not approve that! I believe this place had had its glory days and when they pull off frauds like this, one just gets so disappointed....
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