by Sober-Driver on Being the designated driver for a car load of friends looking for a night on the town. We ended up at Soma’s. We got their early and got an empty table which was nice. The night was for a birthday party for my wife. So I stated out buying the drinks. Since I was the driver for 4 girls, I was only drinking water or sodas. I asked about being a designated driver and was informed that soft drinks would be no charge, or after paying for one drink, all the rest would be no charge.
Well this quickly changed multiple times, from no charge, to $1,00, $2.00 then $3.00 throughout the night. The prices for the same drink from bartender to bartender changed also. I was really confused when a single drink went to $8.00 and I saw $8.00 on the register and gave the bartender a ten dollar bill. Now I was buying drinks for several girls and quickly spent over $130.00. I ALWAYS tipped every time. But I was a sober person in a sea of patrons around midnight and I saw the bartender put $8.00 in the register then put my change of $2.00 directly into the tip jar and walk away.
Several times back at the bar later, no one would wait on me, I had other customers walk up beside me and they would be asked what they wanted. I gave up several times trying to buy drinks.
In the future, when the bartenders think they can take advantage of an inebriated patron, make sure they are not sober before ripping them off.