South County Rod & Gun Club
Escoheag Hill Rd
West Greenwich, RI 02817
Kent County
Phone: (401) 397-2445
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Hours: unknown
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by Addy C. on
My first "self-serve" frozen yogurt experience and I like that they charge by the ounce - regardless # flavors, # toppings, whether you picked original vs. non-original flavors, etc. I also like that they're conveniently located in a shopping center where I can park right in front of the store and easily go in & out. Yogli-Mogli charges $.39/oz. I ended up getting 3 different flavors (Reese's peanut butter, white chocolate macadamia nut, French vanilla) & no toppings. Total bill = $2.14 incl. tax. The flavors weren't bad but I thought my yogurt tasted more like the TCBY variety. I'm mad at myself for forgetting to try the original flavor to benchmark against other froyo stores. I decided I like tart flavors more - I might also be wrongly associating tart w/ having less calories & being more healthy :) This place does have many flavors to choose from (12, i think). They have typical flavors but they also have a few unique ones like peanut butter, York's peppermint patty, and cake batter. They don't have taro - and based on not having mochi either - we concluded this joint was probably not Asian-owned like the other froyo places. Sampling is challenging. To get a sample cup, you have to ask the sample / clean-up guy and he'll squirt a dollop for you. Except it's almost easier & faster to squirt a dollop inside your cup and taste test w/ your finger (props to Leah T for her ingenious idea) - but since there was a long line behind me, I went ahead & just got the 3 flavors I was most curious about. Like Zack E, I'd give this place 3.5 rounded to 4 b/c of the self-serve concept, plus having lots of flavors to choose from. Except based on taste alone, I think I'm still a bigger fan of Yoforia & Yogurberry. FYI - Yogli-Mogli is located a few stores to the right of Publix.
by debbie a. on
The layout of the restaurant is actually impressive, but as with all other rateclubsers.. i agree that the bathroom needs work. The food has that Clean, fresh notes that all Japanese is known for.. so I would say that, although the menu is not quite as imaginative as i would like it to be, what Morimoto does -the chef menu- (when he is there) is amazing.
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