Spirits Bar & Grill
2710 Pike Avenue
North Little Rock, AR 72114
Pulaski County
Phone: (501) 758-0976
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Hours: unknown
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by CeeCee M. on
CAT CLUB! I love going to Temptation night. Drink and DANCE! Especially Morrissey and Depeche Mode night ;)
by Diedre Lagoa on
This was my first club i ever went to in NY. We were supposed to meet a friend from Brooklyn up there and they changed their minds last minute, we ended up going anyways not knowing what to expect. The wait in the line was cut short due to being a female I would assume, we went right up front, and when being asked to pay $30 each, we only paid 20. $20 is a reasonable cover in Boston so I didn't think twice about throwing $20 at them and barging through the doors!!! The club itself is kinda squished, what do you expect its NYC and not too far from the fabulous night lights of Times Square!!! We went to the bar and opened a tab. The bartender was wikked nice, although after giving me my Red Sox bank card and tab receipt, she proceeded to write "go yankees" on the bottom. NOT a big deal, but what is a big deal is that the gratuity was already added into my tab, I'm a club-goer and I know how the game goes, no need to tell me how much to give you !! My tab came to about $110.00 with their idea of good gratuity. Knowing the bartender took realllly good care of me, I threw her another $15. I had a really good time there, just wish there was more room to dance!!! I'd def go back again, just after exploring more nightclubs in NY.
by Buena Barno on
I actually didn't really see anything green about this place other than the fake leaves in the basement level. Snobby clipboard man (I think there is no type of person I hate more) notwithstanding, I was fully expecting not to be able to move anywhere. It was fairly true, we got there just before the crowd (they must have moved a couple hundred people in there within a half hour) started to filter in around 11:30pm. Getting through the crowd wasn't too bad, but there certainly wasn't enough space to dance. It's a large enough place, in this area, and certainly the exact opposite of Don Hill's, but the reason why there isn't enough space is due to the layout of the main level. It could work great as a lounge with plenty of tables and a bad-ass waitress and good bartenders (one who works or worked at Home as well). They have an elevated sort of system, where some tables are on a higher plateau, and not only that, there's the ability to dance on top, behind the couches. It's a cool sense of space but if you're down by the bar it's hell. The basement level wasn't nearly as crowded and easy access to the bar. No lines for the bathroom either, which was nice. Oh and there was a woman dressed like Lara Croft (Tomb Raider). That was kinda hot haha. There was some fun dancing to be had and when people start sweating you know you're having a good time. I didn't make it to the upper level but it looked cool enough. The glass reflections were indeed pretty cool. What was really kitschy fun was the live saxophone player for selected songs. And the fact that the DJ had a crew of 3 people (either sound people, or just a posse) up there in the booth. Oh, and I saw not one, but two instances of smoking inside. Is that allowed, or were these women just being rebels. Another funny thing, as usual per clubs, is the serious women who come in, with their hair pristine. They usually are good dancers, but a little more stiff, so as not to ruin the hair. And they NEVER smile. I never understood that. Then again, I realized that I look like I'm an undercover cop whenever I'm in a club. Oh and before I forget, you're going to be spending 50 or 60 bucks if you throw down the plastic, and the gimlet was 16 bucks. Bottles of Amstel Light are 8. Coat check 4 (and you don't get a handjob or anything). Sounds green to me.
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