Sprigs Of Rushford
102 West Jessie
Rushford, MN 55971
Fillmore County
Phone: (507) 864-1313
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: Send us an email
Hours: unknown
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by Samantha L. on
Okay...if you're a girl and want creepy guys grinding on you with their 2 inch boners, than feel free to go ahead and hit the dance floor. I went for a friends birthday, and had fun the first hour, until i was pulled by guys in different directions asking to take me home. Maybe it was the fact I went on a "Girls Night" and majority were men there??? Who knows. I had a man, 4 feet tall grind on me, and that was the highlight of my night. Enough said. I give it 2 stars, because I might try it on a better night...or for a show.
by April M. on
I've now gone five times to Le Club so with some relative experience behind me can say that you have to go on the right night, or at least with the right group of people. Weekends can be a mess, but unfortunately that probably has more to do with the Bay Area social scene in general. The other times I've gone have been more refined: a drink or two at the bar, shooting pool in the billiards room. On those quieter evenings, I've met some insanely fun and interesting people, and it's on those occasions that Le Club is tres magnifique! If you're not feeling it for whatever reason, go for a Scorpion Bowl at the Tonga Room to loosen up, or sway over to The Big Four, easily one of my favorite upscale hotel lounges in the world. Snob Hill, yes please!
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