Spunky Monkey Daquiris
1012 Highway 70
Pierre Part, LA 70339
Assumption County
Phone: (985) 252-1235
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
Spunky Monkey Daquiris - About Us
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by Oscar G. on
Nice place, comfortable. Service was excellent. Food was incredible. Veal sweetbreads with a slice of pickled quince was the all-star for me. the pork belly dish was great wild mushroom ragout was really good. we did the 7-course tasting menu with items that are not on the regular menu. highly recommended. This is one of those places where each member of the staff really cares about the food and preparation. You see chefs carefully preparing and plating. Our server had great knowledge of the food and ingredients and was also able to pair wines with our meal which was great. big fan.
by Kate M. on
The Grey Goose & cranberries must've been really good here, because I found myself standing in front of the vintage orange "Vertigo" poster while waiting in line for the bathroom and beginning to feel like I was the blond spiraling into the abyss with James Stewart ... Before those trippy ten minutes, I do remember liking the space - plenty of room to sit and stand and a separte dance floor with a DJ spinning fun music.  One universal request to all bars with dance floors:  VENTILATE.  Please.  I'll stay so much longer and spend so much more money on drinks if  I'm not drenched by the end of "Toxic" or "Hung Up."  Thanks.
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