St. James Pub
48579 Mattapany Road
Lexington Park, MD 20653
Saint Marys County
Phone: (301) 737-0667
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Betsy D. on
When I told a friend who's an Atlanta native I was headed there on business, she told me I HAD to go to The Varsity - that it was an Atlanta institution.  No explanation as to what to expect. Wow!  This place is absolutely enormous and the inside reminds me of a bus station.  There are about 16 cashiers, all madly serving the same relatively small choice of food - hamburgers, hotdogs and a few variations of the same, plus onion rings, fried pies and sodas.  I opted for the classic Varsity meal - 2 chili dogs, with small onion rings and a glass of water instead of a soda (I don't do carbonation). Finding a place to sit at lunchtime can be quite a feat, as the place brings in busloads of people at a time.  But then again, it seats 800 - yup - eight HUNDRED people!  The chili dogs were pretty tasty, if basic - hot dog, smothered in a mild chili (no beans), and mustard (no onions, no cheese). A bit on the greasy side, but one really doesn't order chili dogs for healthy fare.  The onion rings were excellent - crispy and tasty - again - a smidge greasy, but what can you expect from fried onions?  All in all, I thought it was a pretty good meal - for what it was.  I wouldn't eat this daily or even weekly if I wanted to remain healthy or within a healthy weight...but it sure would make for a nice treat for once in a while.
by Dave H. on
There's no cover. The place is huge and can accomodate an impressive amount of people. With several bars, rooms, and floors, there are plenty of places to sit down, get intimate with someone, and have a rollicking good time. Like many clubs, the bouncers will give guys a hard time getting in if they're solo. I had a guy friend join us late and he called me to help escort him in. I asked a girlfriend to help bring him in. Once we were inside, we went to a bar to get drinks (which took forever since it was crowded and the bartenders were overworked) and the bartender didn't know how to make anything we wanted (while I can't fault anyone for not knowing how to make a duck fart or a dirty girl scout, they should at least know how to make a buttery nipple!). Moving to another bar in the next room was even worse - she was grumpy and unhelpful. We ended up getting kamikazes twice and other strange shots, but I had to provide recipes to the bartenders... Make sure you set up a meeting place as a rallying point - it's easy to lose track of friends in there!
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