Stress Management
8545 Gulf Freeway
Houston, TX 77017
Harris County
Phone: (713) 943-9766
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Rosa K. on
Racist!!!!!!!!!! The restaurant is fine But the Club...uuuugggh...very discrimination and racist againts color. We can't get in there because they just allow a specific color and nationality.  The bouncers said we are not on their guest list.  We watched other guess too with a specific color, they did not ask them if they are on the guest list.  FYI we came there when they just open about 11 pm, and we were in front of the line.  It happened twice already.  They really prove it that they are Racist It's very obvious, they are racist...they should write in their website that just let a specific color to enter Lavo...Nasty
by Josie K. on
bootie: mashups and drunk people. i like the guy with the bunny ears (you'll see him soon enough if you go). "mashup" is like metallica versus estelle: better than you think. i like mashups because most of the songs by themselves are tepid and hackneyed, but improve with heavy bass, alcohol, and drunken friends to dance with. i especially like the barmaid at the absynthe bar, and the crowd is fun. 'bootie' is a perfect term because it evokes images of buzzed pirates dirty dancing shaking their well-formed butts, which is a good starting place to explain the joy that is bootie sf. 2nd and 4th saturday, goes til 3. don't wear clothes you mind getting a little sweaty. my friend adam: "i hate to break it to you but you are barking up the wrong tree" my other friend: "ha ha, you think i would dance that naughtily with a straight boy?"
by Sharika Alphonso on
Trudy's Central is the original and by far the best. During my college years, I probably went to Trudy's more times than any other restaurant in Austin. No, they don't have the absolute best food in town for you foodie snobs, but it's good, cheap, and fun. Chile Rellenos, Fish Tacos, Texas Star Tacos, Mexican Martinis, Kiddie Cheese Fries, Vegetable Plate, mmmmm. Loud. Tasty. Happy.
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