Studio 42 Nightclub
799 Pearl Rd
Brunswick, OH 44212
Medina County
Phone: (330) 225-2662
Fax: (330) 239-5054
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by BoKwacka F. on
People hate on Circle too hard. Circle is for dancing. They play good music here and the lights and smoke only complement the music. Go with your friends, its fun to dance hard on the weekends. I used to hate house music and every club that played house. I only liked hiphop and clubs that played hiphop but after going to circle I actually like listening and dancing to house. The environment there is very good for dancing, so if your going to circle to dance and enjoy the music your going to have fun. Its way too loud to talk so you might as well.
by Terese T. on
First off my friends and I found to just get into the place to be very disorganized, the drinks and food are expensive, more the drinks if anything. It would have been nice if there was some other form of entertainment but all there is really to do is walk about the museum with other adults and not have to deal with children is nice. In a way it is better to go to this event if you have never been to the CAS because on a regular day one ticket is $25.00 and I think its a rip off the personally I don't like the new building, I miss the old one. Go to Night Life only for the cheep ticket and have the privilege to walk about with some booze in your hand and no kinds running around!
by Cory Kaighn on
Great happy hour beer prices. That's about all the good things I can say about the place, it's not really my kind of social scene.
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