by Rosendo Holaway on
BEST CLUB EVER! even though the korean cuture kinnda scares me.. but other than that... i ALWAYS have a GREATTTTT time..... everytime!!! plus, 2-3 waiters are REALLLI cute ;P
by Lisa V. on
I went to Tenjune on a Thursday night & after being promised that it was better than a shirtless Hugh Jackman spoon feeding me cookie dough ice cream, my expectations were high. I left feeling, instead of aforementioned scenario, as though Too Short had forced me to eat brussels sprouts off his naked body in the presence of a rabid raccoon. 1. Why was I the tallest person there? Seriously. I am 5'10 in my high high heels, but honestly, I was staring down at most of the men all night. 2. What is with the throwback lines people drop here? "Hey there, I just noticed an angel is missing from heaven." [pause to gauge my reaction. I don't react]. "You. I mean you." [no reaction] "You know, you're the angel missing from heaven." [no reaction] 3. The music was strange & the DJ was not amicable to suggestions. Here's one anyway: stop playing Hall & Oates and maybe your kiss will be on my list.
by Rigoberto Reinmiller on
Some of my funnest nights (that I can remember) have been spent here. I love this place..well let me rephrase that..i LOVE West Hollywood! The go go boys here are muy caliente, the crowd is good looking and the drinks are yum! Friday is the best night to go, but if you don't know the bouncer get there early or you will wait in line for a long time.