Sun Crest Nickel
3192 Collins Ferry Road
Morgantown, WV 26505
Monongalia County
Phone: (304) 599-7440
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Cyrus Tersigni on
If you can get a seat in the front room in the upstairs as opposed to the side room, you're golden.  It's snug and warmly lit.  The side room looked really dated and we were alone. The food - phenomenal.  The service - phenomenal.  It's expensive, but I think we actually shared two anniversaries here when we were in college, and it was well worth the money.
by Jane K. on
What do college models, a $400 bottle of champagne*, lots of big dark booths and a dance floor that just won't quit equal? A very bad hangover. No, I mean one that will last for days. You'll even tell your grandchildren about that time when you had such a bad hangover and they wouldn't believe what it was like living it up in New York in the old days. So go with a good group of friends and dance your butt off but make sure to drink plenty of water before bed, kids. *And no, I do not buy bottles...I just drink them.
by Lupe Weinberger on
I'm really glad I came here... so I'd know not to go back again... it was a Sunday night but I have a feeling the crowd is always that lame.... just to say something nice about the place i'll point out it had alot of room and I'm sure they spent alot of money making it super hip and trendy so that Jersey could explode in there.
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