by Crystle Vastine on A dark sheik little speakeasy a few blocks from Rittenhouse. What I like best about The Ranstead Room, is there is no standing- if they have 50 seats in the place, they let in 50 people- period (this is done politely without the whole velvet rope). This made the place feel busy, but not crowded. As for the drinks, the bartenders are knowledgeable of all the classic cocktails, as I heard them making some great recommendations to a couple of other guest. I only get to Philly a couple of times a year, but I will add The Ranstead Room to the rotation.
by Gretchen Figueredo on Not the kind of place I would personally choose to go to, but I had a good time here. The drinks are ridiculously cheap (compared to what I'm used to anyway) and it's spacious. The night I went there there was live music, which was pretty good for a guy with a guitar singing covers. The food here is ok, nothing special. I would come back here for a chill Sunday night out.