by Erika B. on It can be a hike to fishtown but well worth it. I enjoy the upstairs music venue, local beer selection, exellent eclectic bar food, streetside seating, rock music atmosphere, pool table, etc. It's much more than a dive bar but it's unpretentious with great character and music. As per another rateclubsers suggestion I ate the steak sandwich with Brie. It was great. My friend had an eggplant parm sandwich just loaded with mozzerella. It was slightly annoying that the outdoor menus were on a poster board but that's me being unnecessarily nit picky. It probably was just so that menus don't blow away which makes good sense. Servers are cool and welcoming.
by wendy h. on Thanks for serving a great portion of heart attack on a plate! Sandwich is greasy and yucky. I would give it negative stars for the inappropriate signage (this is America, please order in English). Well Joe or Geno or whatever this clown's name is, I guess his ancestors knew English when they jumped over to Ellis Island from Italy! Go ahead and turn down business from minorities. I don't know what business template he's operating on (bossy instructions on the website notwithstanding) but profit is a profit. If you turn down all those people w/ "accents" or limited English, that's gotta hurt the bottom line. Eh whatever, this bilingual gal is taking her money somewhere else!