Szechuan Restaurant
3615 Kirkwood Highway
Wilmington, DE 19808
New Castle County
Phone: (302) 999-0286
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Roseline Ebberts on
I like the white design and concept.
by Lisa K. on
The music IS very good ("Too Close" by Next officially won me over) and the drinks ARE cheap ($4 beer), but none of that matters when you can't move, let alone dance. The reports of bob's itty-bittyness are not exaggerated. It was fun and bearable when we got there around 11, but after 12:30 we had to escape. The rest of our party soon followed us to less crowded nearby bar.
by Kelsie Dunscomb on
I LOVE this place.  The best mixed drink I ever had: the FIG COSMO. It is sooooooo good. The Cherry blossom was also good, the Side Car was super strong. The atmosphere was nice.  In the back room there is a piano affixed with a table top where people sit around with their drinks while the piano player entertains. We were here on a Friday night, and towards the end of the night with enough liquid courage, there are some people with really good voices who Karaoke while everyone else will sing chorus.  It gets really loud and really fun. Everyone is so friendly. It's just the kind of place where you really can't help but make friends.  It sounds like Friday nights are the best so we lucked out. The only cons: difficult to find a seat and only one unisex bathroom.
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