T D'S Showclub
2120 Eubank Boulevard Northeast
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Bernalillo County
Phone: (505) 291-8282
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Mum D. on
I wonder if anywhere else in the world they'd refuse to serve you if you didn't happen to speak the local language. Geno's cheesy joint churns out more hate than food. Mix xenophobia with food and you get smelly trash. Yeah, and... I hear they spit on your food if you aren't white. Pure class! Thanks, but...no, thanks.
by Jenny K. on
Had a great time here this past Thursday.  Thisis perfect lounge to mingle over cocktails.  There's a dance floor but it's not a club scene so to speak.  The seating is comfy, but hey they will kick you outta your chair when someone orders bottle service....bathroom has molton brown soap and lotion, ladies, but it's a somewhat co-ed restroom area which sucks for us girls that like to go to the restroom to talk our smack...smoking room has free smokes too, wow... Funny conversation: Dude:  Hey ladies, would you all be interested to hop over to Slide? Jenny:  No, we are having fun here.  It's better here than Slide. Dude:  Nah, have you been to Slide. My Girl:  Yeah, we've been to Slide.  We're gonna stay here. Dude:  So where are you guys from.....(I hate ppl asking me this, so what, because I'm Chinese, you want me to answer China or something?_ Jenny:  San Francisco Dude: Rambles.....more.... Dude:  So what's your names? Jenny:  Jenny My Girl: Maria (that is not her name) Dude:  My name is Maury My Girl:  What was that again?  Moran? Dude:  Did you just call me a moron? My Girl:  Didn't you say Moran?  Did I hear wrong? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
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