Tender Trap
311 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Clark County
Phone: (702) 732-1111
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by M B. on
This place should be called the U.S.S. Douchebag. Do not go here unless you are a current or former fraternity/sorority member or just a run-of-the-mill terrible person. Then you will fit right in. Crowded, overpriced. The burgers are delicious but the staff are incredibly rude. The "security" went through my purse and made jokes about its contents. The bar tender encouraged people to cut me and my friend in line and ignored us.
by Ed S. on
We both tried their $15 all-you-can-eat. There're salad, shrimp dumpling, California roll sushi, tangerine ribs, pork pot-sticker, beef satay, and chicken wings. Among them, we like beef satay and chicken wings the most. We were not too crazy about the ribs. Service was pretty good, we ordered two more plates of beef satay, which each has two skewers of beef, the third time we ordered they only gave us one. We got the hint. ^_^ Ambiance was quite nice actually when it gets darker, noise was acceptable. Somebody sitting next to our table ordered some fish dish and the smell of fish oil was so strong it sticked to our clothes and we could still smell it when we got home. For those of you interested in their $15 AYCE Dim Sum, it's every Sunday 5 - 9pm, they also have $10 AYCE Sushi Monday to Friday 11:30am - 4pm. You should call ahead to make sure they still have the promotions.
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